Rosamunda Annorlunda & Ulla Undin

  • on Sunday, October 03, 2010

  • Our first assignment in Graphic Design/Illustration was to illustrate an ABC book.
    We got a few texts from author Lennart Hellsings classic ‘’Krakel Spektakel ABC’’-book and picked two of them to work with. The imaginary book measured 170x220 mm and we were to include the text, the letter and an illustration. The texts I chose was R & U.

    "Rosamunda Annorlunda har en katt som är en hund.
    Annorlunda, som du ser, är en stad där allting sker ut-och-in
    och bak-och-fram
    och upp-och-ned."

    ”Ulla min sjöjungfru, Ulla Undin
    vaggar i havet på en delfin:
    Vågorna rulla
    våta och fulla
    fulla av silver och gull åt min Ulla.”

    This is my horrible efforts at translating them:

    “Rosamunda Strange has a cat who is a dog.
    Strange, as you see, is a city where everything happen outside-in
    and inside-out
    and upside-down.”

    “Ulla my mermaid, Ulla Undin
    rocking in the ocean on a dolphin:
    The waves are rolling
    wet and full
    full of silver and gold for my Ulla”

    We had about 3 weeks to do it. The ideas sort of splurted out during first class. Hellsings texts were all wonderful. The painting got done the last 3 hours off the day before the assignment was due. And the text-graphics I did in 3 minutes when I was dead tired. Ulla was planned to be a heck of a lot more scarier than she is. Also there's golds in there that the scanner wont pick up. There’s a lot that I would’ve done differently, but for a first Im somewhat pleased.


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